We are asking local businesses, partners, and friends of camp to consider sponsoring the event in one of the areas listed below. Our goal is to make sponsorship fun and creative. All sponsorship includes signage and copy in our printed materials.
We are a 501(c 3), therefore all sponsorships are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal tax laws. All sponsors will receive a letter with camp’s EIN.
Here are some ways you can help:
- Corporate Sponsorship: $4,000. Full tournament coverage, banner at registration, four hole or green signs, one foursome the event, and listing in all promotional materials.
- Tee or Green Sign Sponsors: $200 for one sign, $350 for two signs
- Four $50 Dinner Gift Certificates: one tee or green sign (Certificates to be used as Team Prizes)
- Golf Cart Sponsorship: Thank you William V. Sipple & Son for FULLY Sponsoring this item!!
- Score Cards Ad Space: $250 for 1 1⁄2 x 2 1⁄2 inch space on every score card
- Golf Teams: $300 for one foursome for the event
- Individual Golfers: $75, we will pair you with a team
We can accept credit card payments through our online store. We can also accept checks made payable to Camp Arrowhead with "Golf Tournament Sponsor" or "Golfer Registration" on the Memo Line mailed in or dropped off with an order form. Instructions are at the bottom on the second page.