About Us
Touring Camp
Summer Camp is filling fast. If you haven't already put down a deposit to claim your spot - we suggest you do so. We can not guarantee spots will still be available if you continue to wait. If you would prefer to tour camp before registering your camper - call 302-945-0610 to set up a tour. In the mean time, please take a look at our brochure & videos.
Our ProgramsTaste of Camp is for campers entering Grades 2-3
Day Camp is for campers entering Grades 2-4 Homestead is for campers entering Grades 3-6 Pioneer during a One Week Session is for campers entering grades 6-9 and in a Two Week Session is reserved for campers entering grades 7-9 Pathfinder is for campers entering Grades 10-11 Camping With a DifferenceCamp Arrowhead is decentralized. That's a fancy camp industry word that really means there are two main things that make us different than other camps.
1. Family Groups. Our campers are assigned to a unit with 2 Counseling Staff (whose only job is be with and lead them). Children in the same unit are within one grade of each other. And the group lives together, eats their meals together and travels to all their activities together. We believe that this model helps create real community. (The only time a camper might not be with their unit is at Free Time. For roughly one hour after dinner each day campers decide for themselves what they'd like to do most.) 2. We are Liberal Arts-esque. Every camper gets the opportunity to try activities in every area of camp. We are Episcopal
Camp Arrowhead is an essential ministry of the Episcopal Church in Delaware — Where ALL are welcome. We are making intentional choices to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. While we do provide a welcoming and community-focused program, it is not possible for us to accommodate campers requiring one-on-one care at this time.
We hope our campers, families, & staff experience:
PhilosophyThe Arrowhead experience enriches young people’s relationships with one another, nature and God. Campers are encouraged to embrace a sense of adventure and cultivate spiritual awareness as they take healthy risks, share responsibilities and engage in outdoor life with one another.
Camp Arrowhead is open to all children, regardless of religion, race or origin, who wish to have a fun filled experience in the loving environment of God's beauty. However, it is not possible for us to offer one-on-one care. Camp FoodDelicious, well balanced, and kid-friendly meals are prepared by our excellent cook and kitchen staff. Meals are served family style in our dining hall. All groups will have the opportunity to plan and cook out a meal in their camp sites.
Health & SafetyCamp has an infirmary and a Camp Nurse on staff. Counselors are trained in First Aid, emergency procedures, safety, accident prevention and human awareness skills. Parents or guardians provide a current health history of their camper. If you'd like more information - please see our Health & Wellness Page.
Camp Activities
Typical Day
Our Staff
As the foundation of our outstanding program, the staff undergoes screening along with a thorough training program that includes camping skills, first-aid, counseling, Christian education and human awareness. Interest in working with children, dedication to the camp's philosophy and programs, and a mature sense of safety are key factors in the staff selection process. Counselors are college age and many staff are former campers who have grown up in the program. International staff members, hired through Camp America, enrich your campers' experience by sharing other cultural perspectives. Arrowhead offers high school and college aged young people the opportunity to work with campers in a Christian setting. Staff members come from all walks of life making lifelong friends as they share experiences and work in this unique environment. Camp will gladly work with college programs for credit. Administrative, service, and supervisor positions are available as well. Arrowhead is an equal opportunity employer.
For Summer Job Information...Click Here!
For Summer Job Information...Click Here!