Camper Programs
Camp Arrowhead is decentralized. That means that campers are placed in family groups - they live together, eat meals together, and travel to all their activities together. It also means that every camper that comes to Arrowhead has the opportunity to participate in everything we offer.
Day Camp
This program is offered to children entering 2nd & 3rd grade who wish to experience camp’s wonderful activities, but who are not quite ready to sleep over. Day camp groups are mixed gender. Drop off your camper at 7:45am and pick them up at 6:30pm after a full day camp, including breakfast, lunch & dinner. Please note that there are 4 and 5 day sessions which coordinate with our resident camp schedule.
Taste of Camp
Taste-of-campers are entering 2nd grade and 3rd grade . They come to Arrowhead for 5 days/4 nights just to get a "taste" of summer camp. They live in cabins with up to 9 friends and 2 counseling staff.
Homestead is for children entering 3rd through 6th grade. Ten campers live in a cabin with a counselor and a CIT. This group becomes a “family” unit as they participate together in daily activities. “Homesteaders” are able to participate in all of camp’s activities. Each group also has a remote campsite which they visit to cookout and camp-out.
Pioneer serves campers entering 6th through 9th grade. (Yes, during our One Week Sessions campers entering 6th grade can pick between Homestead or Pioneer. In our Two Week Sessions we reserve those limited spaces for campers entering 7th through 9th grade). They live 4 to a shelter with their Counselor and CIT nearby in a separate shelter in one of 7 self contained campsites. Each unit cooks one meal out a day and uses their campcraft skills to improve their campsite. All of Pioneer forms a tight group as they enjoy dances, games and potluck dinners during the evenings at Pioneer Hall.
Pathfinder groups are mixed gender and are entering 10th & 11th grade. Counseled by senior staff, each Pathfinder group has a particular focus during their time at camp while still participating in general camp activities. Many of these campers progress to become part of the staff.
One Week Adventure Pathfinders
Sessions 5 & 6
One Week Adventure Pathfinders will participate in camp's customary activities while emphasizing camp craft skills. Lashing projects and cookouts will be a little more creative and difficult. An overnight camping trip will round out this session. This program is surely for those campers who enjoy our peaceful natural surroundings.
Two Week Adventure Pathfinders
Sessions 3 & 4
Two Week Adventure Pathfinders will participate in camp's customary activities while emphasizing camp craft skills, service and leadership. Lashing projects and cookouts will be a little more creative and difficult. An overnight camping trip will round out this session. These campers use the skills they are learning to help lead some programs with younger campers.This program is surely for those campers who enjoy our peaceful natural surroundings.
One Week Sunfish Pathfinders
Sessions 1 & 5
Sunfish Pathfinders participate in camp's customary activities with an emphasis on beginner sailing skills. They will learn all about our fleet of Sunfish at the waterfront... rigging and sailing them. Strong swimming skills are a must!!
Two Week Sailing Pathfinders
Sessions 3 & 4
Sailing Pathfinders participate in camp's customary activities with an emphasis on progressing from sailing and rigging Sunfish to rigging, sailing and skippering our Hobie Cats. Strong swimming skills are a must!