A lot of you heard about the storms today in Long Neck, Angola and at the Delaware shore... Camp got some rain, a little hail, and a lot of thunder but we're all just fine :)
The power and water went out just after morning Chapel... which took out our phone system as well - but everything is back up and working now. The Staff handled it all wonderfully... and the campers were too busy having fun to get too caught up in what was going on.
H1 had a fantastic time with Ben and Jordan learning about camouflage and training for troll hunting. Rumor has it, Walt forgot to close the lock on their pen when he fed them the other night.... ooops. At least we have our most energetic on the prowl.
H8 still managed to serenade camp as Lady Pirates this morning - They painted their faces, hunted for treasure around camp (aka pine cones) and had a great time canoeing.
P5 just spent the evening hearing scary stories with Harrison in the Rec Hall. A loud thud from the loft caused them to flee...
And P-7 wrote a poem today when they visited the Environmental Center... enjoy it below:
All life depends on other life
The marsh, a tree, the sea and everywhere you look is a home to something
Bright green grass surrounds me and the animals around me
The sun stares at the sand
The sweet salty air against my skin
The slight movement of the tall grass as the waves crash on the sand
Bay breeze blowing
Tickle my toes as I stare into the unknown
The grass gently sways from the breeze
A bird's chirp shatters the silence as I sit solemnly by the trees
Birds hum a lullaby never quiet erasing
Bishop's Council also met today in our NEW STAFF LOUNGE (The Quail's Nest) and several members joined us for dinner in the Dining Hall.
All of that to say - it was a day of phenomenal firsts - and we're FULL of Happy Campers! Seriously - Walt says this is the fullest first session we've had since the 70's... and Debbie reports that enrollment is up to 913!!! Wooohooo!
Teri & Arielle